Light, Medium or Deep: Which Types of Chemical Peels Are Best?

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So many nonsurgical treatments are available for your skin these days that it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. With the growing market of chemical peels, you can feel overwhelmed with the microderms, microdonts, and microwhoknows. Choosing the right type of chemical peel is the first step.

Types of Chemical Peels

There are 3 basic types of chemical peels:

  • Superficial: Also called a light peel, this is the least invasive type of chemical peel. It is deemed superficial because the effects of the chemicals do not go under the outer layer of your skin. It only affects the superficial layer of your face. It is the mildest form and is generally safe for all skin types. Some people may have a HydraFacial® treatment a couple of weeks after their light chemical peels to help remove any residual flaking skin and provide deep moisturizing.
  • Medium: This type of chemical peel burns the skin at a deeper level. It is used for more serious skin ailments and is a more aggressive treatment that goes deeper into the skin. It is most popular for the treatment of acne scars, wrinkles, and facial lines. These can be difficult to treat, which is why the medium chemical peel gets deep enough to counteract these lines and indentations. Healthline explains more about what happens during a medium peel treatment.
  • Deep: This is the most aggressive type of chemical peel and is used to correct the most difficult and stubborn forms of skin deformities. These peels are reserved just for the face and are usually only performed once due to their very strong components.

Before your treatment, be sure to read our related blog post to learn 10 thing you should know about chemical peels.

When exploring your options, if you want a chemical peel, it is best to consult your board-certified plastic surgeon. Your plastic surgeon can inspect your complaints with your skin and assess in detail exactly which chemical peel will be most effective in achieving your goals.

You can request a consultation using our online form or call us at (203) 689-5295 to schedule an appointment today.

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