There are very few things that are as inspiring as reading the story of an individual who set their mind to lose weight and were able to accomplish that goal. It seems like the more weight the individual had to lose, the more inspiring their story is. Unfortunately, for many people losing large amounts of …
Weight loss is one of the most admirable goals. It takes hard work, dedication and drive to succeed in losing excess weight from your body. The problem is that weight loss is seldom enough to get your body into an ideal shape. Trouble spots tend to become more prominent when you reduce your overall fat …
Have you noticed excess drooping skin on your thighs? This is a source of embarrassment for many patients, as it can leave them looking or feeling out of shape. If you’re experiencing sagging thigh skin, a thigh lift may be right for you.The thigh lift, or thighplasty, is a method of surgically recontouring the thighs, …
Do you have “bat wings”? Those large, hanging sections of skin on your upper arms are embarrassing and make life more difficult. An arm lift gets rid of bat wings and leaves your arms looking youthful and fantastic. How do bat wings happen in the first place? Age, genetics, and major weight loss can cause …
Brachioplasty surgery can restore shape and tone to the upper arms, removing that unpleasant drooping skin and flab and recontouring the underlying tissues. If brachioplasty seems like it might be beneficial for you, read on to learn more. Various types of brachioplasty incision may be employed depending on the patient’s aesthetic goals and the plastic …
Breast surgery is among the most requested cosmetic procedures in the United States, with reductions representing approximately seven percent of all breast procedures. If you have large breasts and are curious about your surgical options, a breast reduction may be just the solution you need. Reasons to Consider Reduction The first and most obvious reason …
You look in the mirror and you’re happy with what you see for the most part. You have a good figure. Your body is trim, you like your features and you’re in good physical condition. There is only one thing that you wish that you could improve. It’s your bust. It simply doesn’t live up …
When you look at photographs or study your reflection in the mirror, you are mostly happy with what you see. There is only one area that you would like to improve. It’s your bust. You feel like it is lacking. Whether you think that your breasts are not in the right proportion with the rest …