Gynecomastia is a term that not everyone has heard of, but just about everyone has seen someone who is experiencing the condition. This term is used to describe the growth of breast tissue in men or boys. In most cases, this happens when there is a hormonal imbalance. It happens when men produce more estrogen …
Many are quick to jump the conclusion that all plastic surgery procedures are purely cosmetic in nature. And while plastic surgery is certainly capable of improving one’s physical appearance, many fail to realize that it’s also utilized to improve quality of life and long term health. Breast reduction surgery, for example, is a surgical procedure …
Some types of breast reconstruction involve taking issue from the abdomen and using it to help reconstruct the breasts. One method of this, the free TRAM breast reconstruction technique, may be recommended to you as ideal for reconstructing your breasts. The free TRAM breast reconstruction technique stands in contrast to the traditional TRAM technique. During …