Enhance Thin Lips with Fat Grafting

Woman considering fat grafting to the lips

You want full, luscious lips like the movie stars have. You want to be able to pucker up and really show off your mouth. Unfortunately, your lips leave something to be desired as far as you are concerned. They are too thin. Sometimes, you feel like they are about to disappear. You want to plump up your lips, but you don’t know how. Fat grafting is a popular solution that could work for you, giving you that full pout that you’ve always wanted.

What’s the Story Behind Fat Grafting?

Fat grafting, also known as a fat transfer, is a procedure that has become really popular in the world of cosmetic enhancements. It involves harvesting your own fat. Our plastic surgeon will find areas on your body where you have excess fat. Your stomach, buttocks, thighs or upper arms may be ideal. Liposuction will be performed to remove the unwanted fat. The fat will be purified and then injected into your lips to give you that full, plump mouth that you have always wanted.

Why Choose Fat Grafting for Fuller Lips?

When you choose fat grafting, you’re using a substance that is completely natural and comes from your own body. You’ll be less likely to have complications with your procedure. Your lips will look and feel natural, giving you that plumpness that is so attractive. Best of all, you’ll get rid of some extra fat in your body that you don’t need.

What Can Fat Grafting Do for You?

Fat grafting allows you to enhance your lips, giving you a reason to smile all the time. When you look in the mirror and see your new set of full lips, you won’t believe the difference a fat transfer can make. As long as you qualify and have fat to spare, you can enjoy the benefits of this procedure.

Ask About Fat Grafting for Fuller Lips

If you are tired of looking at thin lips, it’s time to do something about it. Tap into the potential of your own body with a fat transfer. Make an appointment at the office of Dr. Beth Collins, MD in Guilford to learn more about what fat grafting can do for you. During this relatively simple procedure, fat will be removed from one part of your body and injected in your lips to enhance them. You’ll finally have that full set of lips that will make you want to pucker up. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation for fat grafting.

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